Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween was a four day event around here. I wanted to have a family Halloween party and invite a few friends over. So the Friday before Halloween we planned to have the party, but in the middle of the night Brady woke up sick and ruined everything.(The kids were upset) We quickly rescheulded for Saturday night. We enjoyed spaghetti,bone breadsticks, green leafy things, mummy dogs, and dirt pudding. We played games like eating donuts off a string, pass the pumpkin, freeze dance, and Halloween pictionary.
Blakely had her school Halloween party and dance on Wednesday. She dressed up as batwoman. She recycled Garret's batman costume which he had wore into holes. Which was made for cousin Josh by Aunt Beth. She enjoyed the dance and was excited to hang out with friends.
Thursday was our school's Halloween parade and party. Katelyn was going to be Kit, American girl, but decided to be a prom queen. Even though I stayed up late finishing a skirt for her. She decided to wear this costume to our ward's Halloween party Firday night. Garret decide to be a black ninja which I recycled his Darth Vadar costume to make. He just looked like a boy dressed up in a black costume. Brady was dressed as Woody. He had party at Christy's house. He trick or treated and made a pumpkin head. Friday night we had our ward carnival and trunk or treat. The kids played games, ate soup and cinnamon rolls, and got lots of candy. Katelyn did finally dress up as Kit. Blakely decided with friends to be a painter,a painting, and the rich lady who buys the painting. Interesting! They came home and traded candy. I always ask myself the question do I ration the candy or just get it gone. was a fun halloween like all of them. i love tootsie rolls.- katelyn


Jamie said...

That is a big question.... I think I would rather get rid of it so I don't eat it all.

Blakely said...

i love candy