Friday, November 13, 2009

November Hot Dog Roast

The weather has been so nice lately, that Garret thought we needed to have a hot dog roast. He asked Dad and he agreed. So Monday night we had a hot dog roast. THe boys built up the fire and the kids just couldn't wait for the fire to burn down so they could roast hot dogs. It did cool off quickly, but it was relaxing to sit around a fire and eat outdoors. We had our pick between regular hot dogs and polish sausages. I think that it was decided that most everyone liked the polish sausages better. I didn't have big marshmellows so we roasted starbursts for dessert. They were pretty good, but could be hot and sticky. Everyone smelled like fire for the next couple days, but it was fun to have a hot dog roast out of season.

1 comment:

Peterson Pack of Wild Dogs said...

Way to go guys! Nothing better than a family roast!