My baby is three! We have been prepping Brady for his birthday for about a month now. He loves wearing boots. Whether it was snow boots or mud boots he didn't much care, so I suggested to him cowboy boots. So the last month I will ask him what he wants for his birthday and the answer is always cowboy boots and a vroomy. The Saturday before Brady's birthday Dad, Mom, Garret, and Brady headed to Cal Ranch to find some cowboy boots. After checking out our options, chose John Deer camoflauge boots. We bought them a couple sizes big after Mom saw the price.(So they could last awhile.) He tried to leave with a cowboy hat also, but that will have to wait until another time. As soon as we got home he had to put them on and wear them. I told him that we would be wrapping them so he could have something to open the next day. Sunday morning we were up early to wrap presents and make breakfast in bed.
I had meetings that day after church and when Brady got home from church he wanted to know where is boots were. He was a little frantic about it until Shawn showed him the wrapped present, and told him Mom wrapped his boots.
We had a wonderful dinner(which hopefully was Brady's favorite), but I think it is really Dad's. He opened presents and then we left for a fireside, so the poor boy didn't even get to blow out his candles until Monday night.( Half eaten cake)
Brady has a mind of his own. In some ways he reminds me a lot of Katelyn. He is getting more and more a personality. He loves to play and loves to wrestle with his brother. He loves to copy his brother. He loves to help sometimes to the dismay of his mother. He is a packrat. He will tuck all his toys or books in something and pack them around. He is a great cleaner. He will sometimes be the best cleaner out of all the kids. He loves babies. Brady is constantly telling us we need a baby. He gets so excited when he gets to hold a baby. Just the other day, on the way home from school, he told me that he held a baby all day and we need a baby, a boy baby. I love to snuggle with him and ache when the time comes that he won't want to snuggle on the couch with me. I love to read to him and he loves to sit on my lap and listen. It has been fun to see Garret see with him and read him his library book. We love you Brady.
he looks so big
Brady is sooo dang cute!
Can it be? That doesn't seem right! Happy Birthday Brady! You are getting so big. I love your boots in the pictures. I hop you had a super fun day!!!
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