Monday, October 20, 2008

Apple Cider Time Again!

Well, it is that time again for the second annual apple pressing day. The Burley Petersons and the Filer Manwarings and Grandpa Manwaring got together to press apples. We waited longer this year because it was just not getting cold enough to pick apples and then 2 feet of snow later; most of the apples were frozen and mushy. Perfect for applesauce and apple cider. We picked apples Wed. night after school among a gander of geese. (I forgot my camera.) I picked apples with the kids Fri. night (I forgot my camera.) Brady got stung by a bee and Garret fell out of the tree, but we needed more apples. Saturday morning we arrived at Blake and Josie's and they were already going. We forged ahead. The kids hung in there until lunchtime and then they disappeared leaving the adults to finish. Shawn caught his finger in the press and ripped part of his nail out of the nailbed. The hornets buzzed around us. BUT we made almost 50 gallons of apple cider. They are safely tucked away in the freezer. We will love it come February. (I forgot my camera.)


Joel's Family said...

YUM YUM!!! We love fresh apple cider here. We got a gallon in the other day and it only lasted the day and then we had a neighbor drop a gallon off the other night that her and her mom went and pressed. It is so yummy. Zollinger Tree Farm here sales them in the grocery store and they are selling for $6.99 a gallon. Boy it is ever so yummy though.

Peterson Pack of Wild Dogs said...

Wow Becky! We're jealous. That sounds so good! How is Shawns finger? He's a trooper. How long did that take you? You'll have to break out a bottle in a week for Halloween. What a fun tradition! Can't wait to see you guys in a month. Hope all is well!!! P.S. Are you going to get pregnant with everyone else (ha ha)...